Wednesday, February 20, 2013

he Accessibility Directorate of Ontario – On the Move

Ministry of Community
and Social Services

Deputy Minister’s Office
Hepburn Block
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON  M7A 1E9
Tel.: (416) 325-5225
Fax: (416) 325-5240
Ministère des Services
sociaux et communautaires

Bureau du sous-ministre
Édifice Helpburn
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON  M7A 1E9
Tel.: (416) 325-5225
Téléc: (416) 325-5240

February 20, 2013

The Accessibility Directorate of Ontario – On the Move

Ontario is a world leader in ensuring a more accessible place for all, where every resident or visitor can participate fully. Ontario’s groundbreaking 2005 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act has resulted in new regulations and standards which are now in place to ensure all organizations take steps to both provide accessible customer service and build the accessibility needs of their employees into their human resources practices.
Since 2005, the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) has been working with the disability, private and public sectors to develop and enforce accessibility standards, and promote greater accessibility awareness throughout the province.
The transfer of the ADO from our ministry to the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Employment announced in yesterday’s Throne Speech is the natural next step in the evolution of Ontario’s accessibility journey.
As partners in the collective effort to build a more inclusive Ontario, you are undoubtedly aware that in the next 20 years people with disabilities will represent 20 per cent of Ontario’s total population, and combined with an aging population, will represent 40 per cent of total income in Ontario — a major engine of Ontario’s future economy. A more accessible Ontario is good for our economy and our communities and will help generate $9.6 billion in new retail spending in the coming years, all of which will generate jobs and a contribute to a healthier economy.
The government is committed to a province which provides a level playing field for all, and has called on the private sector to increase the number of people with disabilities in the Ontario workforce. Aligning the ADO with Economic Development, Trade and Employment will ensure the employment potential of those living with a disability, and further advance the economic benefits for our businesses and communities. Having the vision and objectives of a more accessible Ontario fully linked with the province’s economic development and employment agenda represents an exciting and historical new phase for the ADO and the 1.85 million Ontarians who have a disability.
In the coming weeks and months, the plans for future actions and advances to realize that potential will become clearer, and the ADO will keep you informed of any changes or new developments associated with its transfer to a new home ministry.
The Ministry of Community and Social Services is very proud of the achievements and inroads which have been realized, and the leadership and commitment which the ADO and its staff have demonstrated while the Directorate has been with us. I am confident its commitment of partnership with you will continue as strong as ever as you continue your shared mission of achieving inclusion and employment opportunities for all Ontarians.
Should you have any additional questions in the coming days, I encourage you to connect with your usual contacts within the ADO.
Marg Rappolt
Deputy Minister

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