Media Release – for
immediate release
“First Light” at Sainte-Marie
will enchant visitors with 5,000 candles
A “Top 100” Event in Ontario,
Sainte-Marie’s spectacular “First Light” returns for its 13th year the
evenings of November 29th, 30th, and December 1st.
The signature f eature of
First Light is the il l umination of
the historic site by candl el ight. The
First Light event began at Sainte-Marie 13 years ago with 1,000 candl es; this year the number of
candl es has been increased to 5,000
creating a magical ambience. Attendance
at First Light has grown f rom 1,000
visitors since inception to over 6,000 visitors in 2012.
Beautif ul l antern-l it paths l ead
to a variety of f un f amil y activities.
Upon entering the historic site, visitors wil l encounter the popul ar
“Survival In The Bush” historical encampment at the main gates. In the Jesuit
Residence, chil dren can write with quil l pens
as they prepare their very own seasonal
messages, and f un take-home bracel ets can be made in Sainte-Marie’s carpenter
shop. In the Cookhouse 15,000
gingerbread and l avender treats made
by the Grade 9 and 10 cul inary cl ass f rom
St. Theresa’s High School in Midl and
f rom historic recipes wil l be
avail abl e
f or sampl ing. Festival
du Loup and La Cl é d’l a Baie wil l of f er a “Fl eur
de l ys” key ring craf t in the En Col ombage
buil ding.
The sounds of musket dril l wil l punctuate the night courtesy of re-enactor group La Compagnie Franche de l a Marine who wil l al so be
serving hot chocol ate. In the Sainte-Marie f oyer,
l ittl e
f ol ks
wil l
l ove making a seasonal craf t of f ered f rom The Métis Nation of
Ontario , f ashioning
del ightf ul corn husk dol l s, and creating a special
Angel ornament at the Discovery Harbour tabl e.
Music has always been a crowd
pleaser at First Light, and this year’s event will provide a wonderful mix of
performers. NEW this year will be the four-part a cappella troupe The Rhyming
Couplets that will wander through the historic site filling the air with seasonal
melodies. Vince Therrien will present
historic French and English music and local artist Michel Payment will share
his inspiring songs in the Sainte-Marie Chapel.
Amidst the lively atmosphere of a French Café at Restaurant
Sainte-Marie, toe-tapping entertainment will be provided by La Famille Lefaive
and Jill et les Bucherons. In Sainte-Marie’s
famous longhouses, the Christian Island Drum Group and John Somosi will thrill
audiences with their First Nations drumming, chanting, and singing. A total of 13 choirs including 8 school
groups will also perform at the event over three evenings, including the return
of The Children’s Community Choir from Penetanguishene and the OPP Chorus.
For everyone who would like
to do some early Christmas shopping, 20 exceptional artisans will be in the Sainte-Marie Museum and the Sainte-Marie gift shop will
be open each night.
The magical “First
Light” event wil l be presented at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons evenings November 29, 30, and December 1 f rom
5:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Admission is just
$8.00 per person with a non-perishabl e
f ood item that wil l be
donated to the l ocal Sal vation
Army f ood bank. Chil dren
ages 5 and under are f ree. For inf ormation
cal l
(705) 526-7838 or visit
Special Notes:
Please be advised that with
the exception of service animals, pets are not
allowed on the historic site
for this event. Overflow parking will be
available at Doral
Industries, 100 Wye Valley Road . Free shuttle buses will run to Sainte-Marie
each evening.
Overnight packages are
available from the Midland Super 8 Hotel starting at $125.00 per night based on
double occupancy. Package includes 1 night accommodation, entrance to First
Light event, and a complimentary breakfast.
Persons must be 19 years of age or older.
among the Hurons is operated by Huronia Historical Parks,
is an Attraction of the Ontario
Ministry of Tourism, Cul ture, and Sport.
Media Contact:
Bill Brodeur
Marketing and Media Relations
Huronia Historical Parks
Direct Line: (705) 528-7692
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